Poolz DeFi — A Platform for Entry Funding and Liquid Market

Akanji Ibk
5 min readNov 14, 2020


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is witnessing a tremendous growth in all forms, most especially in its application and usage. It has consistently increase and gain popularity among both crypto adopters and traditional investors. However, the ultimate DeFi adoption and usage is still facing huge barriers despite the recent booming spearheaded by Uniswap and other innovative dAPP solutions. The barriers are in two forms;

  • Limited cross-chain exchanging within DeFi ecosystem
  • Lack of functioning funding model specifically for DeFi platforms, in form of initial startup funding and market entry liquidity

The full functionality of DeFi will be realised if solutions to the above limitations are proffered innovatively and effectively.

The Initial models for entry funding and market liquidity

The key factor known to enhance the success of any project apart from the project creativity is startup/entry funding, without which the project take-off becomes difficult if not impossible. No matter how innovative a project is, if there is no adequate funding, development and growth become stunted. Hence, it is crucial for innovators and developers to secure enough fund by using the best fundraising model.

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is once the common and popular method of fundraising, but kind of obsolete now. There is Security Token Offering (STO), the emergence of Token Generation Event (TGE) and also, the Initial Exchange Offering (IEO). At a point, these fundraising models used to be the best solution for entry funding and market liquidity, however, series of inefficiency led innovators and project team to relentlessly seek alternatives. Common inefficiencies that put these models at disadvantage:

  • centralized in nature
  • not censorship-resistant
  • prone to hijacking by scammers
  • little or no trust and lack of credibility
  • oversaturation of these models.

Mind you, these approaches had done so well providing financial supports for as many early-stage startup projects over the time, however there is need for improved or better models that truly represent the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency.

Decentralized Initial Offerings

Blockchain innovators’ unquenchable hunger for a decentralized, censorship-resistant, trusted fundraising model has led to the emergence of few decentralized initial offering models; the Initial Farm Offering (IFO), the Initial Decentralized Offering (IDO) and the Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO). These models are to proffer lasting solution to the issue of entry funding and market liquidity for early stage project in respect to decentralization. And this is where poolz’s vision of bridging the gap between project owners and investors through its Decentralized Swap Launchpad comes into play.

Introducing Poolz

Poolz is an innovative DeFi protocol with the goal of providing promising blockchain startups with unbiased access to entry funding and liquid market. The idea is to get prospective startups well rooted in the market, make available for them liquidity pooling opportunities, and subsequently eliminate the need and expensive cost of organising a ICO, STO, TGE or IEO event, plus removing the censorship involved.

Poolz Ecosystem in brief

Poolz is decentralized. It is a layer-3 swapping protocol built on Ethereum blockchain. This protocol will enable startups and projects to leverage on the Poolz platform in order to sell their tokens and raise funds, and likewise exhibit themselves to the public where potential investors can discover them to be of high potential project. Poolz offers each player in a decentralized ecosystem the platform to maximize the opportunities available.

There are two key players in a Poolz ecosystem; the Project Owners or Pool Creators and Investors or Liquidity Providers. They are also known as Poolz Market Players. The two categories form the mutual association that sustains the Poolz ecosystem. The roles they played can be seen in the various Pools Types; the DSP and the TLP. These pools facilitate the visionary operation of the Poolz Ecosystem .

The DSP (Direct Sale Pools): These are pools where the investors have access to their tokens immediately after swapping during a sale and no lock-in period is initiated.

The TLP (Time-Locked Pools): These are pools where there is a set lock-in period before investor can receive or access their swapped tokens.

Apart from Pool Types, Poolz Market Players, other elements within the ecosystem are the Pool Rule Makers. Pool Rule Makers form the basic rules for every pool on the platform, setting up the pool type, pool duration, swapping ratio, choice of blockchain protocol and so on. They are direct and specific, to guard and guide the mode of operation in the pools. They may be set by the Poolz developers, project owners or liquidity providers.

Poolz Token (POZ)

POZ is the platform’s native token. It is an ERC-20 token as the Poolz platform is based on Ethereum. It will function to fuel various operations as required on the platform; project development, governance, token burns and incentivization. Holding POZ token comes with amazing benefits; whoever holds POZ token will have access to exclusive pools and also have access to better swap ratios. These swap ratios can come in form of special discounts for POZ holders during auctions.

Poolz DeFi Use-Cases

Poolz platform offers the following use-cases;

  • It makes entry fund and liquid market available for blockchain-based projects
  • It offers OTC Trading without any third party
  • Investors can leverage the platform to discover promising blockchain projects
  • Auctioning of tokens
  • Non-Fungible Token (NFT) projects will be able to auction on the platform
  • Staking rewards
  • Etc


Poolz is a platform for everyone to explore, experience and enjoy. It is for raising funds, growing startups and earning passive income. Innovators can leverage the Pool platform and successfully launch and develop their blockchain based projects in a smooth and secured environment. Investors earn passive yield from Poolz as well as from the project launched as it applies.

Useful Links:

Website: https://poolzdefi.com/
Medium: https://medium.com/@Poolz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Poolz__
Telegram: https://t.me/PoolzOfficialCommunity
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/Poolz_Announcements
Github: https://github.com/PoolzAdmin/Poolz
Live code on Discord: https://discord.gg/8REVabc

BTT Username: Akoldi_ibk
Proof of Authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5280470.msg55330486#msg55330486

